Andrew B. Schwartz, PhD

  • Distinguished Professor, Neurobiology




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Education & Training

PhD, University of Minnesota (1984)

Campus Address


One-Line Research Description

Cerebral basis for volitional movement and cortical neural prosthetics.

Our research is centered on two aspects of motor control cerebral mechanisms of volitional arm movement and cortical control of neural prosthetics. We use electrode arrays to record action potentials from populations of individual neurons in motor cortical areas while monkeys perform tasks related to reaching and drawing. A number of signal-processing and statistical analyses are performed on these data to extract movement-related information from the recorded activity. Students interested in our research program should have programming experience and ability/desire to train monkeys.

Representative Publications

Kennedy S.D., Schwartz A.B..: Distributed processing of movement signaling, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.  doi: 10.1073/pnas.1902296116. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:31871180, 2019.


Suway, S.B., Orellana J., McMorland, A.J.C., Fraser, G.W., Liu, Z., Velliste, M., Chase, S.M., Kass, R.E., Schwartz, A.B.: Temporally Segmented Directionality in the Motor Cortex, Cereb Cortex 28(7):2326-2339, doi: 10.1093, 2018


Wodlinger B., Downey J.E., Tyler-Kabara E.C., Schwartz A.B., Boninger M.L., Collinger J.L.: Ten-dimensional anthropomorphic arm control in a human brain-machine interface: difficulties, solutions, and limitations. J. Neural Eng. 12(1),  2015


Collinger J.L., Wodlinger B., Downey J.E., Wang W., Tyler-Kabara E.C., Weber D.J., McMorland A.J.C., Velliste M., Boninger M.L., Schwartz A.B.: High-performance neuroprosthetic control by an individual with tetraplegia. Lancet  6736:61816-61819, 2012


Velliste, M.,  Perel, S., Spalding, M.C., Whitford, A.S. and Schwartz, A.B.:  Cortical control of a prosthetic arm for self-feeding.  Nature,  453:1098-1101, 2008.


Schwartz, A.B., Moran, D.W. and Reina, G.A.:  Differential representation of perception and action in the frontal cortex.  Science, 303:380-383, 2004.


Taylor, D.M., Helms Tillery, S.I., Schwartz, A.B.: Direct cortical control of 3D neuroprosthetic devices.  Science, 296:1829-1832, 2002.


Schwartz, A.B.:  Direct cortical representation of drawing movements.  Science, 265: 540-543, 1994.


Georgopoulos, A.P., Schwartz, A.B., Kettner, R.E.:  Neuronal population coding of movement direction.  Science 233, 1357‑1440, 1986.


Georgopoulos, A.P., Schwartz, A.B., Kettner, R.E.:  Neuronal population coding of movement direction.  Science 233, 1357‑1440, 1986.


See full publications list here