Kun-Che Chang, PhD

  • Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology





Personal Website


Education & Training

PhD in Toxicology, University of Colorado, 2015

Campus Address

203 Lothrop St. Suite 1026

One-Line Research Description

Retinal development, axon regeneration and stem cell differentiation into retinal ganglion cell.

My research focuses on restoring vision loss, especially caused by glaucoma and optic neuropathy. I will investigate the regulatory mechanism of RGC differentiation and apply the findings to gene and stem cell therapies.

Representative Publications

Chang KC#,*,Hertz JY#, Zhang X#, Jin XL, Shaw P, Derosa BA, Li JY, Venugopalan P, Valenzuela DA, Patel RD, Russano KR,     Alshamekh SA, Sun C, Tenerelli K, Li C, Velmeshev D, Cheng Y, Boyce TM, Dreyfuss A, Uddin MS, Muller KJ, Dykxhoorn DM and Goldberg JL “Novel regulatory mechanisms for the SoxC transcriptional network required for visual pathway development” J Neurosci. 2017, 37(19):4967-4981 (# Co-first author)

Chang KC*, SunC, Cameron EG, Madaan A, Wu S, Xia X, Zhang X, Tenerelli K, Nahmou M, Knasel CM, Russano KR, Hertz J and Goldberg JL“Opposing effects of growth and differentiation factor in cell fate specification” Current Biology. 2019, 29(12):1963-1975.

Zhang X, Tenerelli K, Wu S, Xia X, Sun C, Galvao J, Venugopalan P, Li C, Madaan A, Goldberg JL* and Chang KC* “Cell transplantation of retinal ganglion cells derived from hESCs” Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2019, 38(2):131-140

Chang KC*, Bian M, Xia X, Madaan A, Sun C, Wang Q, Li L, Nahmou M, Noro T, Yokota S, Galvao J, Kreymerman A, Tanasa B, Hu Y, Goldberg JL* “Post-translational modification of Sox11 regulates RGC survival and axon regeneration” eNeuro, 2021, 8(1).